As we move into winter some of you that live north of the Red River, have challenges with weather. Keeping your dog in top shape mentally and physically becomes a challenge.
For the dog’s mental health they still need exercise. In fact we have seen dogs become depressed or more aggressive when confined to kennels for long periods of time.
So here is a few thoughts about keeping your dog through the long winter months and having them ready to work come the spring.

1. Feeding-we typically feed our dogs while working a couple pounds a day; however, when not working, depending on dog you might cut this back considerably. If you look at your dog similar to your show animals; you can see them putting on extra weight around their shoulders and ribs. This will keep them from tracking at top level come the spring, so cutting them back is advised. Your local vet can help you with this if you are uncertain.
2. Exercise- dogs love playing outside even in the snow. However, when it gets extremely cold, being out for animals and yourself might not be the best options. So another way to keep your dog in shape with equipment in your barns is using your sheep treadmill. Yes, dogs can also treadmill and going forward at a good pace is a great way to keep your track star in great physical and mental shape. Just like starting lambs off, you might need to go through a learning phase with your dog but before long they will be looking for are to an opportunity to exert some energy and spend some quality time with you.
Here’s to tracking for success in the New Year! Give us a call if you have questions and or need more information, 817.680.9023.